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Small Business Blog - Success tips — Loyalty

Episode #395 – You Look Amazing On Your Horse

3- Wednesday - Midweek Motivation audio blog be confident and they will follow be the vibe behind your tribe Blog content Content create a tribe based on your vibe infinity marketing machine Loyalty marketing Success tips Tribe Building Two Minute Commute

“It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse” Adlai Stevenson Print up this quote and put it on your wall.  I mean how perfect!  You are transforming your marketing from “one and done” to infinity.  This happens...

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Episode #392 – Sign On The Dotted Line

6- Saturday - Try This! build your tribe Business owner motivation Creative Customers Loyalty make contract signing a big deal marketing Next big thing personalized pen for contracts small business owner advice Success tips Tribe Building

Saturday Try This! Sometimes the best ideas are super simple! In all fairness, I got this idea from a marina training I attended last fall… but it’s so outstanding.  We have many services that are contract based for our business.  Now imagine this, you can...

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Episode #215 – The Secret is Customers NOT Competing.

audio blog Blog content create posts customers want to read Creative Customers how to build a closer bond wih customers increase customer loyalty Loyalty marketing Social marketing social marketing to increase customers Success tips Two Minute Commute

“Obsess over your customers instead of your competitors.” It’s fun to think about your competition. You look up their products and services. Sometimes you check the pricing, maybe you “secret shop” the competition to find out exactly what they are doing different from you. However…...

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