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Small Business Blog - Success tips — goals

Episode #147 – Easy Ways to Keep Your Website from Being Mediocre

audio blog Blog content Business owner motivation easy fix to keep website up to date goals marketing small business owner advice small business tips Success tips Two Minute Commute update my website

Today I will be mediocre.  I have nothing important to do. I’ll tell people average things.  I will get by. I am mediocre. Would you ever do this? Now substitute “website” into “I” Today my website will be mediocre. My website has nothing important to...

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Episode #140 – Marketing is THE Profit Center

achieve a big goal audio blog break down goals Business owner motivation business owner success eat the elephant one bite at a time goals how do I achieve a big goal marketing Social marketing Success tips Two Minute Commute

Where is that elephant?  Yep, today’s inspiration is one of my favorite types of inspirational quotes.  It’s no different from the “how do you eat an elephant?… one bite at a time” quote. You’ve got to break things down.  If you look at the one...

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Episode #135 – Take a Walk. Forget the Door Exists.

audio blog burn out with small business Business owner motivation business owner rejuvination get motivated with small business goals marketing open the door small business owner advice small business tip Social marketing Success tips take a break Two Minute Commute

We’ve reached that point again.  The point where you need to do something, action must be taken. You’ve analyzed your options and created a plan of attack, but now there’s one simple yet difficult task ahead… Open the door. I’ve been doing a lot of...

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Episode #98 – You Want Great… Don’t Stop at Good!

audio blog Business owner motivation goal setting goals keep going make a goal and stick to it marketing Planning small business advice small business motivation small business tips Success tips Two Minute Commute

Keep Going.  It seems like a lot of effort and things are good. But keep going. Why? Because your goal is important!  When you take the time to goal set, achievement is awesome.  If you take the time to “goal think” then good becomes awesome… ...

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Episode #78 – Success Takes Visualization

Achieve success audio blog Business owner motivation goal achievement goal setting goals marketing small business motivation small business tip SMART technique success Success tips Two Minute Commute visualization

When I was a child, I used to get so frustrated.  The teacher would say “draw a house” and I’d try.  But the thing on the paper never matched the vision in my head.  I was so excited when graphic design programs were invented and...

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