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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 655 – Start Thinking Infinity. Start Thinking Infinity. (get it?)

4- Thursday - Infinity Customers create a product that repeats itself Creative doing infinity DoingInfinity increase sales in small footprint infinity product marketing Real world Sales small business owner advice start thinking infinity Success tips Tribe Building

Quote:  “We are what we repeatedly do.” – Aristotle

Thursday: Content and Consistency


Yesterday I went to the eye Doctor… the fun part of the trip was trying on frames.  The funny part is that OP currently has 80s style sun glasses… it’s like a blast from the past.  A warm friendly blast.

That got me thinking of old commercials, mainly because they used an old magazine ad to promote their new line of frames.


Do you remember the “Rinse and Repeat” commercial for shampoo?  Even if you don’t remember the original airing, its one of those brilliant moments in marketing that’s been studied and taught ever since the 80s.

The woman gets done washing her hair, rinses her hair, then repeats the process… thus, using more of the product, and causing larger consumption.

Well, the rinse and repeat also works for Infinity Products.  The over and over characteristic is what we are striving for in our business.

Sure… we have our regular “main” product – but I’m going out on a limb and saying… YOU NEED a profit center that is a “rinse and repeat” Infinity Product.  Something that has no upper limit that you can easily replicate.

Especially if you have a small footprint you’re working in… you need to maximize your available space!

For example, if you have visitors… let’s say in a resort… souvenirs are amazing.  T shirts are hot sellers.  BUT, it’s hard to have many designs and keep lots of sizes… what happens if you buy a heat press, design transfers, and white T shirts and then make on demand?!  You eliminate LOTS of inventory space but still give your guests what they want to buy!

An Infinity Product can also be something like a gym/club membership.  Is there something in your business that you can market or create that gives a club atmosphere that people will pay for?

Here’s the fun part… you may be thinking physical “real world” club… but how about an online “VIP” club where you form a private Facebook Group and you host weekly information sessions, etc… what CAN you do that will allow you to create another profit center with steady monthly income?

We started a boat club about 10 years ago as our Infinity Product… it’s worked great we buy a boat, well a fleet of them, and sell memberships for seasonal use.  It allows us to maximize our space and increase our profits.

Start thinking infinity!  Repeat. Start thinking infinity! Repeat.

There is a way to create an infinity product at your business.



Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Big Cash Small Change”!

PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
Free Gift:  Here’s a FREE guide to show MY results from using Infinity! 


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review

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