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TribeologyBlog.com – Episode 679 – How Do You Create Infinity Customers?

4- Thursday - Infinity Customers Blog content Content content is value create value for your customers DoingInfinity infinity customers infinity marketing machine it's your personality silly marketing Success tips Tribe Building

Quote: “Success is finding satisfaction in giving a little more than you take.” – Christopher Reeve

Thursday: Infinity Customer


Customers do not give you money.  You may wonder… “what the heck?” — of course they give you money.

Not so fast.

You exchange money for goods and services.  To “give” you money implies that you are standing with your hand out and magically you have a line of customers with open wallets throwing money at you!

Knowing that this scenario simply doesn’t happen, how do you get customers to exchange money with you?

It’s about value!

When you provide value higher than your competitors your customers find you and they stay.

So how do you provide value?  By discovering what they want and giving it to them.  This is the best part of the Infinity Marketing Machine.

You provide the value to attract your tribe.  The content you create is your vibe and when it reflects your business personality your customer stick around… for a long time.

They buy from you because you provide a value.  It’s not the value of free shipping, double quantities, or low price.  It’s the value of your personality.

Get to the heart of your personality through content and you will create Infinity Customers.



Tomorrow… come back for my episode on “Big Cash Small Change”!

PS:  Like my vibe? I want you to join my tribe!
Free Gift:  Here’s a FREE guide to show MY results from using Infinity! 


Infinity Marketing Machine Daily Topics:
Monday – Character (Subject Matter Expert)
Tuesday – Content & Consistency
Wednesday – Midweek Motivation
Thursday – Infinity Customers
Friday – Big Money
Saturday – Try This!
Sunday – Week in Review


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